Stumps or Slab?

For hundreds of years houses have been supported by stumps dug into the earth to support the frame structure. It’s a tried and tested method of construction but is it worth it in this day and age?

The Pro’s:

  • Cheaper method of construction (in most instances)

  • Less concrete used than slabs (better for environment)

  • Can use timber stumps which are made of 50% carbon (Better for environment)

  • Easier to use in undulating/sloping land situations

The Con’s:

  • With movements in soils can change foundation heights

  • Harder to insulate

  • Easier for vermin/pests to enter house

Concrete slabs are the most common method of foundations in domestic houses. They’re solid and sitting directly on the ground. Most builders would recommend your house is built on a slab as they know it will keep its structural integrity for the duration of your lifetime with minimal compromise.


  • Solid flat level working surface from the start

  • No issues with termites


  • Cement is a huge contributor to global gas emissions

  • More expensive than stumps

In most instances these days a concrete slab would be the better way to go because it gives you piece of mind, unless you’re very environmentally conscious or have a sloping block that would require you to have stumps.

As with any house build make sure you take the time vetting your potential builders and gauge their responses, ask the question as to what they would recommend for your foundations and why they suggested that method.

If you would like to discuss further click the email link on the contact us page and we would be happy to answer any questions you might have.

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Choosing between a volume builder versus local custom builder